Day 3

8.45 – 9.00 Teatro Sociale

chaired by Alessandro Balducci (Full Professor at Politecnico di Milano)

9.00 – 10.00 Teatro Sociale

chaired by Alessandro Balducci (Full Professor at Politecnico di Milano)
Perspectives for greener cities / speaker: Mr Marc Palahi (European Forest Institute)
Augmented Landscapes. In Search of the Resilience of the Territory / speaker: Mr Bas Smets (Bureau Bas Smets)

9.30 – 13.30 Sala degli Stemmi
Conference: Urban Forestry and resilience cities: how to adapt to climate change (English language)

The event is entirely in English and includes two Sessions:
Session I – Adaptation, resilience and forestation: the international, European and national scenario
International context on urban forestation as a strategy for the cities to adaptation to climate change: from the global and international scale to the European, national and local level.
Session II – Urban forestation and city resilience: sharing of best practices, experiences and ideas
The experiences of networks and cities: session of exchange and sharing of experiences and good practices on planning, projects and actions of urban forestation as a strategy of adaptation to climate change at urban level.
For more information, see the Agenda of the event.
Speakers: Matthias Braubach (WHO) / Laura Petrella (UN-habitat) Abdelkader Bensada (Unep) / Simone Borelli (FAO) / Edward Blakely (Visiting Professor Università IUAV di Venezia) / Simona Arletti (Presidente Reti Città Sane) / Marta Guidi (Comune di Modena) / Andrea Limauro (Washington DC) / Chiara Gallani (Assessore all’Ambiente, Verde, Parchi e Agricoltura, Comune di Padova) / Piero Pelizzaro (Chief Resilience Officer, Comune di Milano) / Valentina Orioli (Assessore all’Urbanistica, Edilizia privata, Ambiente, Tutela e riqualificazione della Città storica, Comune di Bologna) / Valerio Barberis (Assessore all’Urbanistica, Comune di Prato) / Roberta Fusari (Assessore all’Urbanistica, Edilizia e Rigenerazione Urbana, Comune di Ferrara) / Andrea Murari (Assessore all’Ambiente e Pianificazione territoriale, Comune di Mantova) / moderators: Francesco Musco (IUAV), Piero Pelizzaro (Chief Resilience Officer, Comune di Milano), Adriana Nepote (Presidente Agenda 21, Comune di Mantova) / organizers: Agenda 21 Locali italiane, Comune di Mantova, Università IUAV di Venezia

10.00 – 10.30 Teatro Sociale Coffee Break

10.30 – 12.30 PARALLEL SESSIONS 5  
Teatro Sociale  
• PS 5.1 Changing People

chaired by Sheila Wertz / Helen Davies / Future funding of urban forests -   time to move to a beneficiary pays model? / Camilo Ordonez / The psycho-social effects of tree-removal from urban parks / Urmila Rajadhyaksha Making the Urban Forest “speak” to citizens / Niall Williams  The Charter for Trees Woods and People – A framework for the future? / Nicole Heise Lessons from “Las Praderas” – Community relations and implementation of green technologies in urban forests / Franziska Krainer Green Care FOREST / German Tovar Bogota’s Urban Trees Master Plan / Bianca Baerlocher Stakeholder empowerment yes, but how? – From bargaining to cooperation

FUM / Salone Mantegnesco  
• PS 5.2 Changing Spaces and Places  

chaired by Nerys Jones / Sanya Kovacheva and Veronica Rigonat  MN50. Re-identifying the Industrial Heritage Sites: The Engine for the Historical City’s Future Landscape / Alan Simson The new Northern Forest in the UK: a project designed to heal the wounds of post-industrial neglect by applying the concepts of the New Urban Agenda to a multi-regional urban – periurban forestry initiative / Vladimir Ionut Boc Bioclimatic Cities of the Future. Conceptual Strategies for Modular Green Space Systems / Lucina Caravaggi New urban forests in layering landscapes / Ferdinand Ludwig and Stefano Panunzi  Seismic Green Infrastructure: Eksotectures & Eksoscapes / Patricia Sanches Conciliating human density and green spaces in cities: What urban design could be better for a sustainable future / Hajri Haska  Some aspects on maintenance – land use around the trees in urban areas, an overview of Pogradec city, Albania  / Win Wambecq  Forest urbanism in the Campine Region, Belgium 

FUM / Aula Matilde di Canossa  
• PS 5.3 Changing Environment

chaired by Maria Chiara Pastore / Outi Wahlroos  Creating ecosystem services through urban oases: stormwater management landscaping in Southern Finland / Luigi Campoli  SDI Spatial Data Infrastructure Integrated Ater Roma / Qiyao Han / Mapping the permeability of cities to forest migration under climate change / ZhenKai Sun  The potential influence of nursery offerings on tree species diversity in new Beijing plain afforestation / Yamuna Giambastiani  Indirect root distribution detection by 2D Electrical Resistivity Tomography. Application to Pinus pinea root system, in different soil type with a field approach / Chiara Baldacchini / A fast and ultra-spatially resolved method to monitor PM concentration in cities from PM deposition on urban trees / Rocio Alonso  Urban and peri-urban vegetation can improve air quality in Mediterranean areas / Rico Hübner  The rise of urban agroforestry systems – A comparative analysis of the United States – Canada and Germany

FUM / Aula Magna  
• PS 5.4 Changing Benefits  

chaired by Josefina Enfedaque / Charl Justine Darapisa / Landscape Health Assessment Index: A Methodological Summary of Soundscape Mapping as a New Frontier for Urban Forest Soundscape-Based Spatial Planning Design, and Ecological Security Pattern and Geometry Recognition / Davide Geneletti  Using ecosystem service knowledge to design innovative performance-based urban planning approaches / Enrico Calvo / Methodologies and results of monitoring activities in lowland forests and urban plantations in Lombardy and Slovenia / David Nowak / i-Tree: Assessing changes in urban forest benefits and values across the world / Rosniza Kassim / Self-watering Vertical Planter: Solution for Green Facade in Tropics / Paloma Cariñanos / Breathing in the Parks: an innovative tool to plan low-allergy urban forests in the future / Noor Azlin Yahya / Ecotourism and environmental education potentials in urban forests of Malaysia Nancai Pei / Integration of fundamental principles and applications of emerging techniques in urban forestry

11.00  – 13.30 Politecnico /  Aula A.1.3

Global Landscapes of Oil
speaker: Carola Hein (TU Delft) Greetings / speakers: Federico Bucci (Politecnico di Milano, Vice Rector of Mantova Campus and Head of the UNESCO Chair in Architectural Preservation and Planning in World Heritage Cities) /  
Gloria Pessina (Temporary research fellow at the UNESCO Chair in Architectural Preservation and Planning in World Heritage Cities)
Open Lecture / speakers Carola Hein (Professor and Head, History  of Architecture and Urban Planning Chair at Delft University of Technology, TU Delft)
Mantova: Highlights on past, present and future of the petrochemical pole
Alessandro Balducci (Full Professor of Planning and Urban Policies, Politecnico di Milano) and Chiara Geroldi (Adjunct Professor in Landscape Architecture, Politecnico di Milano) / Veronica Rigonat and Sanya Kovacheva (graduated at Politecnico di Milano, Mantova Campus) Lorenza Salati (Co-founder of Osun WES s.rl. and expert in community economy and systemic models development for urban regeneration and business development) / Marco Masotto (Member of R84 associations’ management) Reshape Petroleumscapes – Explorative walk aimed at imagining a “Post industrial Forest”: A project of urban afforestation

12.30 – 13.30 FUM
Lunch Break

13.30 – 15.00

FUM / Aula Magna
Site-specific approach for the contaminated soils remediation by using plants

speakers: Paolo De Angelis, Edoardo Puglisi, Pietro Iavazzo, Fabrizio Adani / Organizer: ERSAF Lombardia Region

Sala degli Stemmi
Towards a Metropolitan Park — Milano2030
speakers: Pierfrancesco Maran (Comune di Milano) TBC / Stefano Boeri (Politecnico di Milano) TBC / Daniele Del Ben (Città Metropolitana di Milano) / Paola Viganò (Direttore Area Verde, Agricoltura e Arredo Urbano, Comune di Milano) / Piero Pelizzaro (Direzione Città Resilienti, Comune di Milano) / Riccardo Gini (Parco Nord Milano) / Maria Pia Sparla (Parco Agricolo Sud Milano) / Piergiorgio Valentini (Città Metropolitana di Milano) / Silvio Anderloni (Bosco in Città) / Eugenio Morello (Politecnico di Milano) / Maria Chiara Pastore (Politecnico di Milano) / Organizer: Politecnico di Milano

FUM / Salone Mantegnesco
Suolo e acqua

Speakers: Stefano Barontini (UNI Brescia, Ingegneria ambientale) / Emilio Padoa Schioppa (UNI Milano Bicocca, Ecologo) / Michele Filippo Fonte Francesco (UNISG, Pollenzo, Antropologo) / Gabriele Volpato (UNISG, Pollenzo, Ecologo) / Organizer: Slow Food Lombardia

14.30 – 16.00 Politectnico /Aula A.0.2

Presentation of project and selection of winning project

15.00 – 16.00 FUM / Salone Mantegnesco

15.00 – 15.30 Teatro Sociale and FUM
Coffee Break

15.30 – 17.00 FUM / Aula Magna

Nature-Based Solutions: overcoming barriers, enhancing bene ts. Launch of the Manifesto and workshop 
Speakers: Giorgio Vacchiano (Researcher in Forestry Sciences at the University of Milan) / Raul Sanchez (Coordinator Cartif - URBAN GreenUP) / Josefina Enfedaque (European Commission Senior Policy Officer) / Adriana Nepote (Alderman for University, Research and Innovation, European Projects, Municipality of Mantova) / Edoardo Croci (Bocconi University) / Kaan Emir (Demir) / Thami Croeser (RMIT University) / David Struik (Isocarp) / Domenico Perfido (R2M) / Carlo Calfapietra (CNR) / moderator: Clare Olver (The Mersey Forest - URBAN GreenUP)

15.30 – 16.15 TEATRO SOCIALE
Stefano Boeri
in dialogue with Patrick Blanc
Stefano Boeri The Plants and the Sky / Patrick Blanc The greens and the Greys: the Life of plants that Colonize vertical Rocky Habitats

16.15  – 18.30 Teatro Sociale
A green vision for the future

moderated by Kai Lintunen / panelists: Mr. Cecil Konijnendijk (University British Columbia) / Mr. Stefano Boeri (Politecnico di Milano, Tongji University) / Ms. Eva Müller (FAO) / Ms. Laura Petrella (Un-Habitat) / Mr. Abdelkader Bensada  (UNEP) / Mr. Adam Freed (Bloomberg Associates) / Ms. Lina Liakou (100 Resilient Cities) / Mr. Patrick Blanc (Vertical Garden Patrick Blanc)  

16.00 – 17.30 Sala degli Stemmi

Città, clima e sfide per lo sviluppo (Italian language) Speakers: Alessio Malcevschi (Università di Parma, Delegato del Rettore per la RUS) / Grammenos Mastrojeni (Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale e Coordinatore per le iniziative di Cooperazione allo Sviluppo in materia di eco-sostenibilità e di Cooperazione Decentrata) /organizer: Ministero  degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale, Università di Parma  –  Rete delle Università per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile)

18.00 – 18.30 Teatro Sociale

the Organizing Committee of the Forum: Ms. Eva Müller (Director, Forestry Policy and Resources Division, FAO) / Mr. Marco Marchetti (President, SISEF) / Mr. Federico Bucci / (Politecnico di Milano, Vice Rector of Mantova Campus) / Mr. Stefano Boeri  (Co-chair of the Scientific Committee, Architect / and Full Professor at Politecnico di Milano and Tongji University in Shanghai) / Mr. Cecil Konijnendijk (Co-chair of the Scientific Committee and Professor of Urban Forestry at the University of British Columbia) / Representative of the Youth Organizers

9.00– 13.00 / 14.30– 16.30 Laboratory 1/  
MAMU - Mantova Multicenter, Largo di Porta Pradella
Build your city forest: create a greener, healthier  and happier world

organizer Build A World  


9.00 – 16.00 FUM / Salone Mantegnesco
Poster Exhibition

9.00 – 18.00 Politecnico
Un tesoro di suolo: dal degrado urbano alla città circolare curated by S.O.S. 4 LIFE

9.00 – 20.00 FUM / Casa Gialla
Photo Exhibition
Cambiare la natura delle città. Storie, cifre, notizie  e nomi delle foreste urbane e periurbane in Lombardia curated by ERSAF

9.30 – 13.00 / 14.30– 18.00 Palazzo D’Arco
Città per le persone. Mostra itinerante dei laboratori REBUS curated by REBUS. Renovation of public Buildings and Urban Spaces organizer: Emilia Romagna Region, Emilia Romagna ANCI, Politecnico  di Milano, Ibimet, Proambiente

18.00 – 19.00 FUM / Aula Magna  
Festivaletteratura for WFUF
Design ricostituente e piante: risposte complementari  alle sfide del nostro tempo (Italian language)
speakers: Paola Antonelli and Stefano Mancuso

18.00 – 19.30 Sala degli Stemmi
Verde è Salute / Green is Health (Italian language)
Verde ed esercizio fisico: come combattere  l’obesità e le malattie metaboliche in modo naturale
speakers: Enzo Bonora / (Direttore della Sezione di Endocrinologia, Diabetologia e Metabolismo, Dipartimento di Medicina, Università di Verona) / scientific advice: ISS Istituto Superiore di Sanità

18.00 – 20.00 Aula Magna Isabella d’Este
Lupo e sciacallo dorato a Mantova? Fra possibili  ritorni e novità (Italian language)
speakers: Luigi Molinari, Mauro Belardi, Luca Lapini /organizer: Gruppo Ricerche Avifauna GRAM


19.00 – 20.30 Cinema Ariston
Screening BBC Planet Earth II - Chapter 6, Cities
Presented by Fredi Devas (Producer and Director, BBC)

18.30 – 22.30 Rotonda San Lorenzo
Planet Forest/ Audiovisual installation
Virtual landscapes, imaginary scenarios, a continuously  moving observatory and an infinite Forest by Propp

21.00 – 22.30 Cinema Mignon
Festival Cinematografico Internazionale sulle Foreste / International Film Festival on Forests
For info:
Organizzatori   fao comune di mantova politecnico di milano sisef  
Con il patrocinio di parlamento europeo medaglia presidente repubblica ministero dell'ambiente mipaaf ersaf
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